Podcast recommendations
May 2020
WELL, Editors’ picks for the top podcasts this month
Podcast Name: Rough Translation
Episode: How Covid-19 is Challenging Cultures
Publication Date: 19 March, 2020
Synopsis: A discussion on how cultures are challenging and shaping nation’s responses to the pandemic
Run Time: 23 mins
Link: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510324/rough-translation

Podcast Name: Freakonomics Radio
Episode: 414. Will Covid-19 Spark a Cold War (or Worse) With China?
Publication Date: 23 April 2020
Synopsis: The U.S. spent the past few decades waiting for China to act like the global citizen it said it wanted to be. The waiting may be over.
Run Time: 59 mins
Link: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/452538045/freakonomics-radio

Podcast Name: Artificial Intelligence (AI podcast with Lex)
Episode: Collection
Publication date: Most recent episode – 25 April, 2020
Synopsis: Conversations about the nature of intelligence, science, and technology (at MIT and beyond) from the perspective of deep learning, robotics, AI, AGI, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, economics, physics, mathematics, and more.
Run Time: Various; between c. 1 hour – 2+ hours depending on the episode
Link: https://lexfridman.com/ai/

Podcast Name: Waste Not Why Not
Episode: Collection
Publication Date: Most recent episode – 22 April, 2020
Synopsis: This is a science podcast on sustainability and about how NOT to save the environment. We look at some misinformed ways people try to protect the planet, and what we should be doing instead. Hosted by Nature N8 (Nate Maynard, an environmental researcher working on energy, ocean and waste issues. Produced by Ghost Island Media based in Taipei, Taiwan.
Run Time: Various; range is c. 12 mins – c. 30 mins
Link: https://anchor.fm/wastenotwhynot

Podcast Name: Ted Talks Daily
Episode: A global pandemic calls for global solutions | Larry Brilliant
Publication Date: 24 April 2020
Synopsis: Examining the facts and figures of the coronavirus outbreak, epidemiologist Larry Brilliant evaluates the global response in a candid interview with head of TED Chris Anderson. Brilliant lays out a clear plan to end the pandemic – and shows why, to achieve it we’ll have to work together across political and geographical divides. “This is not the zombie apocalypse; this is not a mass extinction event … We need to be the best version of ourselves.” Recorded 22 April, 2020
Run Time: 17 mins
Link: https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-talks/ted-talks-daily

Do you have a favourite, must listen podcast that WELL, readers should know about? Please send in your suggestions to info@wellmagazineasia.com
Written exclusively for WELL, Magazine Asia by Marion Wotton
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