Lazy Ovaries: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Welcome to the first of our new monthly columns from new Hong Kong author, Marie Leopard. Marie is the author of ‘Bumping Abroad’ previously know as “This is Pregnant” a laugh-out-loud pregnancy journal chronicling her experiences with infertility, hope, pregnancy and romance along the way.
Extract, ‘This is Pregnant’ by Marie Leopard
Well, that day sucked.
I was a million light years away when booking that OB appointment from thinking I would have to break the news to my husband, Wolf, that he had married an infertile woman. We thought my “blossoms” were not showing up, because you know, after over ten years on the Pill it would take time to “get back to normal”. Turns out that those extreme mood swings were not to be blamed on genetics or long-term Pill use, but on the hormonal condition Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Look it up, it’s everywhere on the internet. (NHS information about PCOS)
After a few unsuccessful cycles trying to ovulate naturally – including a not so tasty ‘uterus detox’ week prescribed by the Chinese doctor – we turned to assisted reproduction. The OB prescribed five magic Clomid pills to help me pop an egg or two. It’s the most common entry-level fertility treatment, supposed to be gentle and with limited side effects. Hot flushes in the middle of the Hong Kong summer? A piece of cake! (Ha!)
For me, the hardest part of our fertility journey was so many people telling me to just “Relax Darling! It will happen when you stop overthinking it”. How on earth are you supposed to not overthink it when you have just been diagnosed with infertility and undergoing a treatment with the sole purpose of getting pregnant?! After a little trial and error, I found my inner peace in yoga, love, and a daily dose of Sauvignon Blanc. (The love part is mandatory, it does take two, after all!)
The funniest thing is that hormonal treatments are known to increase the chances of multiple pregnancies – get ready for twins they said! At the time, in the midst of our fertility journey I was like: “bring on the triplets if you want, but just give me a baby, please!” Now that I have one child, I am a bit more calm, circumspect … and grateful to the Stork for delivering them one at a time – ‘don’t forget to drop the next one whenever you are ready!’
With all that said, to all the ladies who suffer from PCOS – and my goodness, there are a lot of us out there – there is hope! I was fortunate to fall pregnant on our first round of Clomid. Sometimes, all it takes it that lucky egg of yours!
Lots of love,
Marie Leopard
Written exclusively for WELL, Magazine Asia by Marie Leopard
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